CDCP participants are advised that with effect from 18/11/2024 (inclusive), a new version of the communication interface (for follow-up records) in version 7.5 will be deployed to the operating environment.

A new version of the interface with an updated description of the communication structure can be found on our company’s website in the section: Description of the My Depository Communication Interfaces and on internal website.

Schedule of implementation of new ISB interface for follow-up records

Date of publishing5. 6. 2024    
Implementation phase5. 6. – 17. 10. 2024
Deployment to test environment17. 10. 2024
Testing phase17. 10. – 17. 11. 2024
Deployment in production environment18. 11. 2024*
* At the beginning of the accounting day

The CSD Prague notifies that only data not older than 1st January 2014 are provided from 1st July 2024.

According to §99a of the Capital Market Act 256/2004 the Central Securities Depository (CSD) is obliged to keep data in its records for 10 years from the end of a calendar year in which the data was recorded and provide information from this data keeping to authorized persons according to §115 of the same Act.

The Central Securities Depository informs issuers and issue administrators about the change in the method of filling in the AML questionnaire and the change in the method of identification of persons acting on behalf of the issuer. A description of the process for completing the AML questionnaire can be found in the document available for download here.

User access to My Depository for persons acting on behalf of the issuer is now requested via the AML Questionnaire. Persons acting on behalf of the issuer can also now identify themselves via Bank ID (Bank ID AML and Bank ID Sign).